Welcome to our first example of interactive fiction. This one is really quick and simple. And it has dragons! 🐉
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How the shipping container made the world smaller and the world economy bigger
"The Purloined Letter" is a short story by American author Edgar Allan Poe. Text taken from http://xroads.virginia.edu/~Hyper/POE/purloine
Description of your gamebook goes here
You are a Federation junior Starfleet captain. The Federation has been placed in a state of emergency. A technically superior race of cybernetic creatures known as the Borg threaten to eliminate the whole of life as we know it and to assimilate all life into what is known as the Borg collective. Desperate times require desperate measures. Fresh out of Star fleet academy Junior officers like your self are been asked to step up to the challenge. YOU are being asked to take Command of a Star Fleet Vessel. YOU must answer the call to defend Star Fleet. People will live or die under YOUR command. What are YOUR orders Captain?
YOUR mortal enemy Bathus Dire has returned from the dead and is rumored to be in the service of a prince in the court of Severn City. YOU have no idea how this is possible. But you know no good can possibly come of it. No doubt he will be surrounding himself with fearsome chaotic creatures. YOU must set out at once and investigate. This is a Sequel book to Citadel of Chaos. Using exactly the same combat and spell mechanic. You can even directly transfer your old character from the original Game book and retain the same spells. The rules for generating a character are much the same.
50 Years since the legendary Starship Traveller returned from the Seltsian Void. YOU remember studying their pioneering adventures beyond the void back at the academy. But unfortunately that daring voyage of exploration has awakened a terrible sleeping evil beyond the Void. approximately 30 years after the Frontier Heroes returned troubling messages came back from the perimeter stations. One by one they fell silent. There has now been a dreadful 20 year war fought with the merciless forces from beyond the Void. Reports came in of ships coming through the Void. First a few probe ships then a vast armada. One by one they conquered the outer colonies. YOU have been thrown into a time of war with an enemy known as the Xeron Saar Empire. There will be no avoiding conflict this time. YOU Have been given command of the newest ship of the line. Starship Avenger. 30 years of advancement over the Starship Traveller you have some new tricks, weapons and abilities to master if you want to defeat the alien invaders.